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The Greatest Sales Training in The World (L36)

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RM 25.60
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Format: Paperback
Tahun Terbit: 2005
Jumlah Muka Surat: 188
Berat (Kg): 0.283
The Greatest Sales Training in the World is based on the inspirational bestseller, The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. Mandino's title provides the powerful sales philosophy on which this comprehensive sales training program is based. The Greatest Sales Training in the World explores how to increase profits or personal income by applying the time-tested principles in Mandino's "Ten Ancient Scrolls for Success." Also featured are special contributions from several of the world's greatest sales and training experts, such as Anthony Robbins. These contributions, combined with the inspirational wisdom of Og Mandino's powerful sales philosophy, make this book an absolute must-read for anyone interested in maximizing time spent earning.