The Brainy Band

Fruit 10 #

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RM 89.00
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RM 89.00
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Frui10 is a great opportunity to master instant addition and substraction in a quick and funny way. In this game, your kids solve over 15 math problems every 2 minutes!

Put the deck of round cards face-up in the middle of the table – this is a storehouse with colorful pears, bananas, pineapples, and strawberries. The players turn into sneaky raccoons with their masks on and hedgehogs whose objective is to steal from the storehouse as many pieces of fruit as possible. While selecting fruit on the basis of their type or color, you need to find a number on your card and a number on the storehouse card which make a total of exactly 10 (there’s room for 10 items in the bag). It goes without saying that it should be done as fast as possible!