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Pekan Ilmu Publications Sdn Bhd

Ungku A. Aziz: Di Sebalik Seorang Tokoh (The Other Side Of The Mountain) # (L87)

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Tajuk:Â Ungku A. Aziz: Di Sebalik Seorang Tokoh (The Other Side Of The Mountain) #
ISBN:Â 9789674380748
Penerbit: Pekan Ilmu Publication Sdn Bhd
Penulis:Hashim Bin Yaacob Â
Tahun Terbitan: 2021
Muka Surat:Â 136
Halaman: Hitam Putih & berwarnaÂ
Format: Softcover
Berat (kg):Â 0.190
Dimensi (cm): 21.6cm x 14.1cm x0.8cmÂ




DDSc (Hon), FRCPath (UK), FFOP (RCPA) (Aust), FDSRCS (Eng) Ad Eundem, FDSRCPS (Glassg), FASC. (Mal), MSc (Lond), BDS (OTAGO), MIBiol, CBiol (UK), Dip Islamic Studies (UIAM)

Hashim Yaacob is a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya, and four other Private Universities in Malaysia. He is an Emeritus Professor and Consultant in Dentistry, Poet, Painter and a Puppeteer of the Malay Shadow Play. He is a retired Captain in the Malaysian Reserve Royal Navy. He has an Honorary Doctorate in Dentistry, Fellowhips of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, The Royal College of Pathologists of United Kingdom and The Royal College of Pathologists of Australia.

Currently, he is a Consultant Dental Surgeon at the University of Malaya Specialist Centre and a Free Lance Speaker on Leadership, Motivation and Stress Management.